Antonio Beamud Montero wrote:

>         Atentos a Nautilus para Gnome, se pueden hacer verdaderas
>         virguerias con el...
> Saludos. Antonio.

¿Y dónde se puede conseguir? ... a ser posible en paquete "deb". Gracias.



JUAN CARLOS AMENGUAL            See the dancing, laughing, naked faces
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I             and the promise burning brightly in their eyes.
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA     This violent flesh, the cut that bleeds,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  the kiss that stings,
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.        desperate snows fall from shimmering skies.
Phone: +34 964 728361
Fax: +34 964 728435       So take my hand and lead me to the garden of delight,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    take my hand and lead me to the garden of delight.
                                        Wayne Hussey (The Mission)
                                - "Garden of Delight", The First Chapter,
                                                        1986/87, Phonogram -


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