PhD students are welcome to submit their work!
We are pleased to share with you news of the First International LGBTQ 
Diversity Conference to be held in Valencia, Spain, early spring 2016. The 
conference is designed to bring together researchers, scholars and therapists 
in a collaborative effort to share ideas, voice concerns and discuss ways in 
which we can assist the LGBTQ communities and their allies more effectively.
The global nature of this conference provides attendees with opportunities to 
share research in a face-to-face setting as well as publish in a new online 
peer-reviewed journal.  The informal nature of this conference allows us all to 
engage in in-depth conversations about areas of concern in working with the 
LGBTQ community as well as share best practices. The networking opportunities 
for collaborative research and study also will be extensive.
Instruction for Abstract submission:
Please send your abstracts to:
Your abstract should not be longer than 300 words and should contain:

Names of all authors

Title of the presentation

Contact person and the contact email

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter We hope you can make it!Cheers,Global 
Graduate Academy (GGA)

Event Summary:

Event: First International LGBTQ (Allies) Diversity Conference         For 
presenters and details, see below.
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 10:00 AM <span class="pipe">-</span> 
Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 3:00 PM 
Location: &lt;b&gt;Valencia&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt; Valencia&lt;br 
/&gt;Spain&lt;br /&gt;

Event Details:

PhD students are encouraged to present their work! Oral Presentations are 
complete, Posters are still accepted until January, 17 2016.
We are pleased to share with you news of the First International LGBTQ 
Diversity Conference to be held in Valencia, Spain, early spring 2016. The 
conference is designed to bring together researchers, scholars and therapists 
in a collaborative effort to share ideas, voice concerns and discuss ways in 
which we can assist the LGBTQ communities and their allies more effectively.
The global nature of this conference provides attendees with opportunities to 
share research in a face-to-face setting as well as publish in a new online 
peer-reviewed journal.  The informal nature of this conference allows us all to 
engage in in-depth conversations about areas of concern in working with the 
LGBTQ community as well as share best practices. The networking opportunities 
for collaborative research and study also will be extensive.
Instruction for Abstract submission:
Please send your abstracts to:
Extended Deadline:  December 26th 2015; Posters: January 15
Your abstract should not be longer than 300 words and should contain:

Names of all authors

Title of the presentation

Contact person and the contact email


Hilal Akekmekci
Istanbul Bilgi University

VA Vila-Real Angela
Vila-Real Angela

Lore M. Dickey
Louisiana Tech University, USA
Assistant Professor

Jeannine Klein
NorthCentralUniversity,AZ, USA

Carrie McManus
Alberta College of Social Workers

Sílvia Mestras
University of Barcelona, Spain

Laine Zisman Newman
University of Toronto
PhD Student

Emily K. Sanders
University of Illionois, USA

MS Maria Sargologou
Maria Sargologou
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Anneliese A. Singh
The University of Georgia, USA
Associate Professor

CLW Crystal Lynn Walter
Crystal Lynn Walter

Hosted By:

GGA is a collaborative, international effort by a few current and ex faculty 
and staff of various universities from the USA and International institutions. 
We came together with the sole purpose of creating an online graduate 
consultancy network where learners and instructors could connect with the aim 
of best one to one instruction, revision, research ideas, statistical analysis 
and anything else which may be needed for students to succeed.We are 
specializing in specialty online courses such as: Transgender Population, Sex 
Addiction, Aggression and Love and others.

Register Online:

More information and online registration are available here:


Collect event fees online with Eventbrite

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