El vie., 15 de nov. de 2019 a la(s) 14:26, Juan Lavieri
(jlavi...@gmail.com) escribió:
> Para la información de todos.
> -------- Mensaje reenviado --------
> Asunto:         debcheckroot v2.0 released
> Resent-Date:    Fri, 15 Nov 2019 16:16:35 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From:    debian-secur...@lists.debian.org
> Fecha:  Fri, 15 Nov 2019 17:16:17 +0100
> De:     Elmar Stellnberger <estel...@gmail.com>
> Para:   debian-secur...@lists.debian.org
> Dear readers of debian-security
>     I have just released debcheckroot-v2.0:
> https://www.elstel.org/debcheckroot/
> The new tool can be used to check a Debian installation also against
> previously unknown rootkits. It has many improvements towards
> debcheckroot-v1.0:
> # usage of direct comparison or creation and usage of sha-256 lists
> instead of the unsafe md5sums provided in the package header
> # allow usage of multiple changeable media: i.e. DVD & BD-SL
> verification rather than just BD-DL verification
> # testing of symbolic links, of user, group and file-mode
> # scanning the home directory for odd filenames that contain control
> characters, on request: listing all hidden binary files in the home
> directory
> # download only mode + shuffling of download order for package download
> via Tails/Tor and subsequent offline verification
> # use of Python3 instead of Perl with built in support for tar, xzip,
> gzip and bzip2; no more external helper programs required, works from
> any live cd!
> Finally debcheckroot-v1.0 did no more work with current versions of
> Debian as Debian now uses xzip instead of gzip. The new program supports
> any of xzip, gzip and bz2 for compression of the data.tar.xz and the
> controls .tar.xz inside the .deb ar-archive. Files are merely unpacked
> in memory so debcheckroot keeps being quite efficient.
> I would be happy to discuss the new release here or to assist anyone who
> wants to test the new tool!
> Regards,
> Elmar
> --
> Errar es de humanos, pero es mas humano culpar a los demás

Gracias, estimado Juan.
Un saludo.

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