
Voy a actualizar a sid una maquina con potato. Como no tiene conexión a
red me he hecho con los CD's no oficiales de sid.

El problema es que 'apt-cdrom add' no funciona:

Using CD-ROM mount point /cdrom/
Unmounting CD-ROM
Please insert a Disc in the drive and press enter
Mounting CD-ROM
Identifying.. [44ab4f5c5591363b72fc3fe648619814-2]
Scanning Disc for index files..  Found 13 package indexes and 6 source
Found label 'Debian GNU/Linux 2.3 "Sid" - Unofficial i386 Binary-1
This Disc is called:
 'Debian GNU/Linux 2.3 _Sid_ - Unofficial i386 Binary-1 (20010429)'
Reading Package Indexes... Done
Wrote 1764 records with 6110 missing files.
Alot of entries were discarded, something may be wrong.
Reading Source Indexes... Done
Wrote 0 records with 4539 missing files.
W: No valid records were found.
E: Handler silently failed

y no me crea ninguna entrada en sources.list

¿Alguien ha tenido alguna experiencia similar al actualizarse con este
tipo de CD's?

¿Alguna idea?

Gracias a [EMAIL PROTECTED] por adelantado,


Santiago Fernandez                      Linux Registered User #164729

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