  Pues resulta que he actualizado hoy el xine, y el resultado ha sido que
ahora no me funciona, lo arranco sale la caratula durante 2 segundos y se
va y me deja esto en la consola, El caso es que las librerias que me dice
que no puede enlazar estan en mi disco duro ... alguna idea?

This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.9.2
(c) 2000, 2001 by G. Bartsch and the xine project team.
Built with xine library 0.9.2 [Wed 17 Oct 2001 00:42:31]-[gcc version
2.95.4 20010902 (Debian prerelease)]-[Linux 2.4.9-686 i686].
Found xine library version: 0.9.4 (0.9.4).
Display is not using Xinerama.
created ph2 mask pixmap 1c00012 (520 x 100)
created ph2 mask pixmap 1c0004e (132 x 47)
created ph2 mask pixmap 1c00054 (44 x 47)
created ph2 mask pixmap 1c00060 (72 x 29)
created ph2 mask pixmap 1c00066 (69 x 29)
load_plugins: cannot load plugin
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_vo_out_xshm.so: undefined symbol: mm_accel
load_plugins: cannot load plugin
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_vo_out_syncfb.so: undefined symbol:
load_plugins: video output plugin
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_vo_out_xshm.so failed to link:
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_vo_out_xshm.so: undefined symbol: mm_accel
load_plugins: video output plugin
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_vo_out_syncfb.so failed to link:
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_vo_out_syncfb.so: undefined symbol:
video_out_xv: using Xv port 52 from adaptor NV10 Video Overlay for hardware
colorspace conversion and scaling.
video_out_xv: colorkey is 000101fe
video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yuy2 format.
video_out_xv: this adaptor supports the yv12 format.
load_plugins: video output plugin Xv successfully loaded.
load_plugins: audio output plugin
/usr/lib/xine/plugins/xineplug_ao_out_alsa.so failed to link:
libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
audio_oss_out: Opening audio device...
audio_oss_out: using SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY
audio_oss_out : supported modes are mono stereo (4-channel not enabled in
.xinerc) (5-channel not enabled in .xinerc) (5.1-channel not enabled in
load_plugins: audio output plugin oss successfully loaded.
xine_init entered
xine: relocation error: /usr/lib/libxine-0.9.so.0: undefined symbol:

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