Coordenadas temporales: Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 03:52:08PM -0300
Sujeto: wcom
Comunicaba sobre: no encuentro nada :(

> Lista saben de algo que me copie cierta informacion a otra cpu...... paso a
> explicar

Una posible opción es rsync:

Package: rsync
Section: net
Installed-Size: 424
Version: 2.5.6-0.1
Suggests: ssh
Description: fast remote file copy program (like rcp)
 rsync is a program that allows files to be copied to and from remote
 machines in much the same way as rcp.  It has many more options than
 rcp, and uses the rsync remote-update protocol to greatly speed up
 file transfers when the destination file already exists.
 The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the
 differences between two sets of files across the network link.

Chequeando  virus...   Todos  los  virus  funcionan   perfectamente.  --

Attachment: pgpr9G5aVJfn1.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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