
This email is sent after investigations in manuals and

I have succeded to create CD:s for installation of debian.
It seems to install ok except that xwindow will not work.
I am asked by the installation program to install software
for my video card, Pro Savage. How do I do this?
In windows the installation-cd for the motherboard and video card
is launched automatically.
I'm using a AMD Athlon processor with 30 Gb HD and 256 Mb ram.

Another problem is that I want to partition my HD to contain both
Windows 2000 and dedian gnu/linux. I only want to have Windows 
beacuse I have cygwin but hopefully I can export my tools in Windows/Cygwin
to Debian Gnu/Linux.
Is it possible to set up the HD in such a way that I can choose Windows 2000
or debian at startup.

If anyone of you could direct me to information on this or tell me how
to continue my work to get the graphics working and choose wich OS I want
to use at startup I would be very grateful.

Thank you beforehand.

Mikael Johansson

  • Re: Johansson Mikael (mj)
    • Re: Oskar Fasth
