Ok, I need help.  I have a Debian box ver 1.1, I'm running smail on 
it.  It does not have a ppp or slip connection to the Internet, 
therefore it has no real DNS ability, but it does connect via a 
network card to our mail server that is handling all mail for our 
network.  Now I want to run my listservers on the Debian box, but 
both Majordomo, and Listserv depend on smail for outbound mail, and 
smail keeps reporting errors that connection to the BIND server has 
failed.  This is my setup for smail:

set for Internet mail 
all outbound mail is to go to a smarthost
Debian was configured for smail with no DNS

Please can someone give me some advice, no matter what I try it just 
seems to get worse.

Tim Trimble

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