> Hi,
> A client had a terrible disk problem on their /usr partition resulting
> in a number of hosed files (e.g., /usr/include/ctype.h was now a
> Is there a way to tell the system to check all files belonging to all
> packages and tell me which are damaged?  If it could then reinstall
> those packages that would be great.  I reinstalled all packages I
> noticed had corrupt files, but I'm sure I missed some.
> Such functionality would be useful.

Klee Dienes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has a package called dpkgcert that really
helped me out - it examines every file in you system, and points out
which ones differ from ones supplied in packages.

Unfortunately, it needs a database of "certificates" that contain the 
per-file MD5 sums of all the packages (which I got from Klee).  I haven't 
heard from him for a while, so I don't know where you can get the 

On a related note - I discovered that my disk corruption was happening
because I had LBA and 32-bit modes (or something like that) enabled
in my system BIOS.  Gradually, over time, files would get corrupted
like you mentioned.  After learning on debian-user that this causes 
problems for some people, I turned the options off, and I haven't
had any disk corruption since.  This should probably be a FAQ 
somewhere - but I don't understand it myself.


 - Jim

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