Hi Grant :

> Just a few quesitons:
> > For the configuration of pnp I didn't use the windows configuration port. 
> > It 
> > important don't forget to enable the port 0x530 and use the port 0x534 for 
> > ioport of CS4232.
> Are you saying that I should change my isapnp.conf file to use port 0x530?
> I'm not sure what you're exactly saying...
My isapnp.conf have the line :
         (IO 1 (BASE 0x0530))
See the isapnp.conf include at the URL ....I thing these port is important.

> > What kernel are you compiling? I was compiled the kernel 2.1.12[567] and 
> > the 
> I'm compiling the 2.0.34 kernel.
>Even so, I'm still not able to select any sound option as a module.  I
>included "loadable module support" in menuconfig...is there anything else
>I can do to get the sound options to be modules?

For modules no, I'm thing. See the file /usr/src/linux/Documentation/modules.txt
Why ypu can't able se sound modules? Are you using the option "M"?

All the best.


                           Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
                           Instituto de Física da USP
                           e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           homepage : http://fge.if.usp.br/~hernan/

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