Matt Garman wrote:
> I believe (not sure, though) that the 800 series also work under
> Linux.  The 690 series are definately a go, though.  (My dad has a
> 693c which also works great).
> Good luck!
> Matt
It looks 693, 695 and 697 works. But I've found on HP site, that 692 and
694 are continuing into 890; just distinct series from 695/697. Don't
you know whether 692/694 are supported by magicfilter's dj550c too? And
692/694 support from scalable typefaces "35 truetype for windows"
opposite to 695/697, which support 8 build in fonts (4+4: Courier,CG
Times, Letter Gothic, Univers). Does that 692/694 mode work in linux?
Thaks, Martin

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