> Hey guys, I really need some help solving this..  Should I back out
> libc6. and reinstall libc6.2.0.7t-1?  Or is there a way
> to use the new version of libc6 but get rid of the errors?  I have
> several packages on hold pending resolution of this.

I had the same problem. The /etc/apt/sources.list file as installed in
slink points at stable (aka hamm). This gets you the wrong versions of
files, like libc6. Change it to point at frozen (aka slink) and apt/dselect
will do the right thing. Consider doing an `apt-get update ; apt-get -f

morgan (aka jethro)
>> M o r g a n   F l e t c h e r    http://www.hahaha.org/morgan <<
>> Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.       [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<

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