>>Do a search for "grub" under the Linux section on developerWorks.
>>It's a tutorial that you'll have to register for.

Just a update.  I went to www.ibm.com and did a top level search for grub.
The top entries  were all pointers to the tutorial.  None required me to
register.  Interesting that they did take me to www.cn.ibm.com.  Why it was
tucked under the Chinese is interesting but not important.

Armed with the tutorial I got grub going.  The version of grub that came
from "apt-get install grub" was 0.5.93.  The tutorial used  This
version had a command that wasn't in 0.5.93, to wit: "setup" which writes
the MBR of the selected disk.

So did "apt-get remove grub"; downloaded the tarball and was off
and running.  Everything worked as advertised - I think.

I have to do a few more boots from the floppy and play some games.  The
first two boots created a kernel panic.  Perhaps I only *thought* I had
typed in everything correctly.  The third try got me to GUI login, but
something was funny because there were a whole bunch of mapping problems
spewed out.

Between the third and fourth try I added menu.lst to the floppy.  That was
nice.  What was nicer was that I got what appeared to be a clean boot.

Still need to do some more "due diligence" with respect to (1) what a kernel
uses from /boot during boot, (2) lilo in general and (3) grub in general.
For example.  There are all these files in a /boot section.  Which are
needed by lilo and which are needed by the kernel, etc?

On the surface, it seems that grub is more flexible than lilo in terms of
disparate distros on different partitions.


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