
What I have been using for years is a little script to send me (and the 
servicedesk) a daily mail:

# MAILREC is space separated
MAILREC="myem...@tio.nl helpd...@tio.nl"
SUBJECT="Upgrade report voor $HOSTNAME"

# Step 1: update repositories...
apt-get update >/dev/null 2>&1

# Step 2: show upgrades
apt-get --dry-run upgrade | grep Inst > $TMPFILE
if egrep -q ^Inst $TMPFILE


This script simply gets called from crontab:
# Test once a day if there are any upgrades to be apllied
5 5 * * 0 root /usr/local/bin/upgradereport.sh

It does run as root but then why shouldn't it?
Add the -V switch to the apt-get upgrade line to see from which version to 
which version the upgrade is needed.
I just do not need that in my mail, I'll see that when I perform the upgrade.

Bonno Bloksma

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