I keep finding references on the 'Net to the LADSPA Noise Suppressor for
Voice plugin for Kdenlive, but Debian seems to not ship with it? Anyone
know why?

I wound up building it myself, and not being very experienced in such
things, it was more painful than it should have been, so here's my
step-by-step for building/installing it on Debian, in case anyone else
searches the archives for this info.

LADSPA Noise Suppressor for Voice on Debian, for Kdenlive

as of 24 May 2023
Kent West - kent.west@(that .com that swore to not be evil)

   1. The "librnnoise_ladspa.so" shared library is not in Debian's
   "/usr/lib/ladspa" path, so there is no "LADSPA Noise Suppressor for Voice"
   plugin within Debian's Kdenlive. Arg. The plugin does not seem to be
   available in Debian, so we'll compile it from source.
   2. Go to github.com and search for "noise-suppressor-for-voice" (by
   werman). Click on the green "Code" pull-down menu, and select "Download
   zip". Download it to your "~/Downloads" folder.
   3. Go to your "~Downloads" folder, and "*$ unzip
   "noise-suppressor-for-voice-master.zip*" file (you may want to first
   move it into a "temp" directory, etc, to keep it separate from other files
   in your "~/Downloads" folder).
   4. cd into the newly-created "noise-suppressor-for-voice-master"
   5. Run "*cmake -Bbuild-x64 -H. -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release*".
      - If "cmake" is not found, you may need to "*$ sudo apt install cmake*
      - If "Ninja" is not found, "*$ sudo apt install ninja-build*".
      - If "PkgConfig" is not found, "*$ sudo apt install pkg-config*".
      - If juceaide fails to build, look through the error messages for
      clues. It failed for me.
         - When I looked through the generated messages, I found a line
         that said, "fatal error: ft2build.h: No such file or
directory". I went to
         debian.org and searched the Packages for "ft2build.h", and found
         it in "libfreetype-dev", so I did a "*$ sudo apt install
         - Re-running "cmake -Bbuild-x64 -H. -GNinja
         -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", juceaide still failed to build.
This time the
         error was, "fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory". So I
         searched Debian's packages, and then "*$ sudo apt install
         - Re-running "cmake -Bbuild-x64 -H. -GNinja
         -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", juceaide still failed to build.
This time the
         error was, "fatal error: X11/extensions/Xrandr.h: No such file or
         directory". So I searched Debian's packages, and then "*$ sudo apt
         install libxrandr-dev*".
         - Re-run "cmake -Bbuild-x64 -H. -GNinja
         -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release". This time, "fatal error:
         X11/extensions/Xinerama.h: No such file or directory", so "*$ sudo
         apt install libxinerama-dev*"
         - Re-run cmake; this time: "Xcursor.h", so "*$ sudo apt install
         - Re-run cmake; finally, success, with the message, "Build files
         have been written to:
      6. But we're not done yet; the library file we need is not yet in
   "build-x64/bin". So next, "*$ ninja -C build-x64*". Upon a successful
   run, there should now be a "librnnoise_ladspa.so" file in
   7. "*$ sudo mv build-x64/bin/ladspa/librnnoise_ladspa.so
   8. "*$ sudo chmod 644 /usr/lib/ladspa/librnnoise_ladspa.so*" (or match
   perms of other files here).
   9. "*$ sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/ladspa/librnnoise_ladspa.so*" (or
   match perms of other files here).
   10. Restart Kdenlive if it's running; now you should be able to search
   *Effects* for "noise suppressor for voice".

Success! (from https://kentwest.neocities.org/westk/librnnoise)

Kent West                    <")))><
IT Support / Client Support
Abilene Christian University
Westing Peacefully - http://kentwest.blogspot.com

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