> > Also, are any of the java packages actually distributed by Debian?  I
> > thought there were legal issues that prevented even non-free
> > distribution (though j2re/sdk packages are available elsewhere).
> Excellent points.  No, acroread is not in non-free.  j2re1.4 also is
> not, nor is j2dsk1.4 or, in fact, any Java newer than 1.1.  I dare say
> that Java 1.1 in non-free is about the same usefulness as Kaffe for
> today's programs.
> So, we have a situation where the #1 and #3 packages installed from
> "non-free" on people's systems are not actually present in Debian's
> non-free (any more).  Also, no version of Java later than 1.1 is
> present.

This is probably obvious, but in case it's not...  I often use "alien" to
convert things like Sun's JDK rpms, or the rpms for the commercial
schematic capture tool "eagle" (which I noticed in the list) and convert
them to deb and install them.

In at least one other thread I've said before it would be interesting to
analyze the popularity contest results and see how many (packages and
versions of) things not in
(stable|testing|unstable)/(main|non-free|contrib) show up - probably mostly
stuff like newer versions of KDE from downloads.kde.org, backport
collections, etc.  On my machines there is a fair amount of that kind of

Take care,
Dale E. Martin, Clifton Labs, Inc.
Senior Computer Engineer
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