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> ---CUT HERE-----------------------------------------------------
> 1.  Rank the following possible functions of Debian Project Leader in
>     order from most important to least important by placing a digit
>     between the brackets to the left of the item.  Use "1" as the most
>     important item(s), with larger integers reflecting less important
>     items.  You can give two items the same number to reflect a tie.
>     Leave blank items you consider unimportant or not appropriate for
>     the role of DPL.
>     [ 5 ] attending trade shows and conferences
>     [ 2 ] resolving disputes internal to the Project
>     [ 4 ] representing Debian to trade associations, businesses and NGOs
>           (non-governmental organizations)
>     [ 3 ] drafting and implementing internal procedures for the Project
>           that aren't already well-defined
>     [ 1 ] appointing delegates per the Constitution
>     [   ] fixing bugs in packages that no one else will fix
>     [ 6 ] cash fundraising
>     [   ] acquiring donations of bandwidth, equipment, and hosting
>     [   ] mentoring other developers
>     Comments:

> 2.  Rank the following past and present DPLs in order of greatest
>     effectiveness to least effectiveness (use "1" for the most effective
>     leader(s)).  You need not have been a Debian Developer during the
>     term a Leader to express an opinion here (though knowing who they
>     are and what they did as DPL definitely helps).  You can give two
>     people the same number to reflect a tie.  Leave blank people about
>     whom you feel you cannot form an opinion.
>     [ 2 ] Bdale Garbee
>     [ 2 ] Ben Collins
>     [   ] Bruce Perens
>     [   ] Ian Jackson
>     [   ] Ian Murdock
>     [ 1 ] Wichert Akkerman
>     Comments (why did you rank these people as you did?):
> 3.  True or false: the New Maintainer system is still broken.


>     Comments:

We're still having flames about the brokenness of the New Maintainer
System. So I think it's still broken. It might just be a backlog or
bad communication about changes to the better. I havn't really read
the discussions.

> 4.  True or false: we should place more emphasis on architectures that
>     have a lot of users.


>     Comments:

I believe Debian has techncal gains from having to support as much
architectures as posible. We might want to review the idea about
releasing all architectures at the same time though. 

> 5.  True or false: release management in this Project is a big problem.


>     Comments:

I would like to see shorter release cycles with no infrastructual
changes in Debian. 

> 6.  True or false: there are too many inactive developers.


>     Comments:

The only problem with truly inactive developers is if we fails to meet
some quorum---but this is more a problem with the constitution (IMHO).

  Another problem would be if inactive developers used their
  developership to become contributing members in SPI---but this is not
  our (Debian's) problem.

Quite another problem is that there might be to many people discussing
problems but to less solving problems. I don't think this is solvable
by revoking developerships.

> 7.  True, false, or not applicable: the Debian Project Leader should see
>     to it that inactive developers are placed on notice that they will
>     be dropped from the Project, and then if they do not become active,
>     "expire" them from our ranks.


>     Comments:
> 8.  True or false: the concept of "one maintainer per package" is
>     outmoded, and packages should be maintained as more of a group or
>     communal process.

True (I guess)

>     Comments:

I think there are a lot of packages where it wouldn't make sense but
otherwise true.

> 9.  True or false: the Debian Policy Manual and Bug Tracking System
>     should be used together as a "stick" with which to compel
>     uncooperative maintainers to change the way they maintain their
>     packages.

I have no idea.

>     Comments:

> 10. True or false: the Debian Project is biased against people who do
>     not speak English fluently.


>     Comments:

A project where almost all communication is based on a single language
would be biased against those not speaking/writing this language

But I thinks a cure whould be worse than the disease.

> 11. True, false, or not applicable: there is not a lot that we can do
>     about the Debian Project being biased against people who do not
>     speak English fluently.


>     Comments:
> 12. Should the DPL attempt to build consensus among a small group of
>     experts or among the whole project before taking a major action, or
>     should he go it alone?  Mark one.
>     [   ] build consensus among a small group
>     [ X ] build consensus among the whole Project
>     [   ] take unilateral action
> 13. Rank the following possible traits of Debian Project Leader as
>     assets (with an "A") or liabilities (with an "L") between the
>     brackets to the left of the item.  Leave blank items you consider as
>     having no bearing on the role of DPL.
>     [ A ] a high level of visibility as a "regular developer" on
>           internal Project mailing lists
>     [ A ] a high level of visibility as Project leader on internal
>           Project mailing lists
>     [ A ] a high level of visibility in Debian-related IRC channels
>     [ L ] a preference for reading prepared statements over extemporaneous
>           presentations at public gatherings
>     [ L ] a preference for brokering agreement behind the scenes between
>           conflicting parties
>     [ A ] a preference for brokering agreement in public between
>           conflicting parties
>     [   ] long, flowing hair
>     [   ] a beard
>     [ A ] a sense of humor
>     (Those without the last item need not mark the last three.)
>     Comments:
> 14. True or false: the Debian Project Leader should attend as many trade
>     shows and conferences as possible for him or her.

True (but not neccesary with his DPL hat on)

>     Comments:

Visibility as a regular member of the community is important,
attending conferences is part of this. But having the possibility to
attend many conferences isn't important.

This isn't really clear?

> 15. True, false, or not applicable: Debian Project funds should be
>     spent on getting the Debian Project Leader to as many trade shows
>     and conferences as possible when corporate sponsorship is
>     unavailable.


>     Comments:
> 16. True or false: the Technical Committee is operating as intended
>     under the Constitution.

Have no idea.

>     Comments:
> 17. True or false: a simple majority of voting Debian Developers should
>     be sufficient to modify the Debian Free Software Guidelines.


>     Comments:
> 18. True or false: a simple majority of voting Debian Developers should
>     be sufficient to modify the Debian Social Contract.


>     Comments:
> 19. Should decisions about DFSG-compliance be made on the debian-legal
>     list, or should we have a more formalized body for making such
>     decisions?

Should be based on consensus on debian-legal.

>     Comments:

But we might have some more formalized body preserving the decisions
made on debian-legal.

> 20. True or false: under the current Constitution as written, a simple
>     majority of voting Debian Developers is sufficient to modify the
>     Debian Social Contract and Free Software Guidelines.


>     Comments:

I'm not sure about this, but I guess it falls under the 5 power of the
developers mentioned in article 4.1 of the constitution. It doesn't
explicitely say that simple majority is sufficient though, but I would
guess it is so because of the explicit exceptions where simple
majority isn't sufficient.

I'm very unsure about this.

> 21. Mark the statements below that accurately (if not precisely) reflect
>     your opinions with an "X" between the brackets.  Note that these
>     statements are wide-ranging in nature.  If you have insufficient
>     context upon which to ground an affirmative answer, leave it blank.
>     Where I consider it important to determine what the respondents to
>     this questionnaire *don't* believe or agree with, I have supplied a
>     contrapositive statement.  Feel free to elaborate on your answers in
>     the comments section.
>     [   ] The DPL should not waste his time on arguments about the
>           Constitution, Social Contract, or DFSG.
>     [ X ] The DPL is always perceived as the DPL, even when he or she is
>           not sending mails from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or providing
>           evidence of his or her leader status elsewhere in mail
>           messages he or she sends.
>     [   ] The person elected to the office of DPL has a special
>           responsibility to keep his or her mouth shut on potentially
>           inflammatory issues, except when acting explicitly as DPL.
>     [ X ] The Debian Project will only get as good a DPL as it deserves.
>     [ X ] Everything in Debian main should be treated as software under
>           the DFSG, even if it isn't software by some definitions.
>     [   ] We let too much stuff that violates the spirit of the DFSG
>           into main.
>     [   ] The debian-legal list is infested with a bunch of nitpicky
>           nitwits who give the Project a bad name and keep Debian from
>           being as good as it could be by rejecting software from main
>           for no good reason.
>     [ X ] A good Debian Developer doesn't necessarily make for a good
>           Project Leader.
>     [   ] Debian should toss the DFSG and adopt the Open Source
>           Definition (OSD) instead.
>     [   ] Debian should delegate license interpretation to the Open
>           Source Initiative (OSI) [maintainers of the OSD].
>     [   ] Debian should stop distributing the non-free section.
>     [   ] Debian should keep the non-free section even if it dwindles to
>           the point where there is nothing interesting in it, in the
>           event that important new non-free software appears that our
>           users might want.
>     [ X ] Our twin priorities of "our users" and "Free Software" are
>           sometimes in conflict with each other.
>     [   ] The primary purpose of the Debian Project should be to supply
>           a high-quality operating system to as many people as possible.
>     [   ] The primary purpose of the Debian Project should be to supply
>           a high-quality, Free operating system to whoever is interested
>           in it.
>     [   ] The Debian Project is an insufficiently welcoming environment
>           to female geeks and computer professionals.
>     [   ] The DPL should step in to mediate disagreements between Debian
>           Developers and upstream developers, as recently happened with
>           MPlayer.
>     [   ] The Debian Project should work with SPI or some other
>           organization to try and see that its needs and goals are
>           respected, or at least not meddled with, by governments.
>     [ X ] Debian Developers are substantially better at critical
>           thinking and logical reasoning than the general populace.
>     [ X ] The migration of murphy from qmail to postfix was a good
>           thing.
>     [   ] The migration of murphy from qmail to postfix was important.
>     [   ] Being elected Debian Project Leader is primarily a reward for
>           good work.
>     [   ] The Debian Machine Usage Policy (DMUP) needs to be revised.
>     [   ] Revising the DMUP is important.
>     [ X ] Voters in the Debian Project have a responsibility to make
>           themselves well-informed about the issues before casting a
>           ballot.
>     [ X ] There should be no one in the Project with
>           extra-constitutional power; that is, Debian keyring
>           maintenance, archive administration, system administration,
>           and so forth should all be formally delegated positions by the
>           DPL.
>     [ X ] Making the Debian keyring maintainer, archive administrators,
>           and system administrators DPL delegates has creates a
>           potentially dangerous situation for which there is no analogue
>           under the current situation.
>     [   ] The DPL has more important things to worry about than who's
>           delegated to do what.
>     [ X ] People who capitalize the phrase "Free Software" are annoying.
>     [   ] The Free Software Foundation is run by a bunch of crazy hippie
>           communists, and Debian is being taken over by more of the same.
>     [   ] The Open Source Initiative is run by a bunch of Christian
>           fundamentalist right-wing gun nuts, and Debian is being taken
>           over by more of the same.
>     [ X ] I deeply resent whimsy intruding into this questionnaire.
>     [   ] A person who lost the DPL election twice shouldn't think about
>           running again.
>     [   ] No one who lost the DPL election was ever subsequently elected
>           DPL.
>     [   ] No one who lost the DPL election twice was ever subsequently
>           elected DPL.
>     [   ] Bdale Garbee is unbeatable.
>     [   ] Bdale Garbee has disappointed me.
>     [ X ] We should elect a DPL based on his or her platform and
>           contributions to the project, not based on personality issues.
>     [   ] A DPL candidate shouldn't make promises in his or her
>           platform.
>     [ X ] We should elect a DPL who reflects who we want to be, even if
>           they don't reflect who we are.
>     [ X ] DPL elections are essentially popularity contests.
>     [ X ] There is nothing we can do about the above statement; it's the
>           nature of the beast.
>     [   ] Circulating this questionnaire proves that you're unfit to be
>           Project Leader.
>     [ X ] Circulating this questionnaire demonstrates leadership.
>     [ X ] Circulating this questionnaire is a cynical attempt to
>           manipulate the electorate.
>     [   ] Debian Developers should publicly and prominently campaign for
>           the person they'd prefer to see as Project Leader.
>     [   ] Debian Developers should keep their DPL preferences to
>           themselves.
>     [   ] DPL campaigns have increasingly come to adopt traits of
>           conventional politics.
>     [   ] I find previous statement true and not a cause for concern.
>     [ X ] The DPL can barely wipe his nose without consensus.  (The DPL
>           is essentially a figurehead without much real power.)
>     [   ] Debian's effort at a constitutional system of governance
>           has been a failure.
>     [ X ] The Debian Constitution and the apparatuses instituted by it
>           are basically instruments of last resort, called into play
>           when our traditional methods of operation fail.
>     [   ] We'd be better off with a few hundred fewer Developers.
>     [   ] We'd be better off with more Developers.
>     [   ] Debian distributes too many packages; we should narrow our
>           focus.
>     [   ] Branden Robinson is a non-free flame burning bigot.
>     [ X ] Branden Robinson is prejudiced against the French.
>     [ X ] Branden Robinson is prejudiced against the American
>           government.
>     [   ] Branden Robinson doesn't know when not to make jokes.
>     [   ] Branden Robinson has a lousy sense of humor.
>     [ X ] Branden Robinson's sense of humor is not important, no matter
>           how good or bad it is.
>     [   ] Branden Robinson has gotten better at not flaming people over
>           the years.
>     [   ] I haven't really paid attention to whether or not Branden
>           Robinson has gotten better at not flaming people over the
>           years, but it doesn't really matter because I'm not going to
>           vote for him anyway, even though I'll claim that I won't vote
>           for him because he flames people.
>     [   ] Branden Robinson wrote a questionnaire that was way the hell
>           too long.
>     [ X ] The number of occurrences of the string "Branden Robinson" in
>           this questionnaire proves that he's an egomaniac.
>     [ X ] An egomaniac can make a good DPL.
>     [   ] We already *have* an egomaniac for a DPL.
>     Comments:
> ---CUT HERE-----------------------------------------------------
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