On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 02:47:23PM -0500, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> If you compare this to Andrew's (which is similar, if not the same as,  
> the current SC):
>       We encourage CD manufacturers to read the licenses
>       of the packages in these areas and determine if
>       they can distribute the packages on their CDs.
> His wording has no chance of implying a guarantee on main. Though it  
> does need to be fixed, IMO, because "CD manufacturers" is very  
> limiting.

Who else can you think of that should be encouraged to study the
licenses and determine if they can distribute the packages in non-free
on their CDs?

People who redistribute online are already in the clear; that's the
minimum requirement for non-free in the first place. I can't think of
any other groups that are worth explicitly encouraging. It's not like
this is a restriction of some form.

Note that the point is that sometimes packages in non-free may *not*
be included on CDs (it's happened before, I don't know if there are
currently any) because charging a fee for copying is prohibited, or
some similar restriction - so CD manufacturers have some work to do,
and they're being encouraged to do it (rather than just not distribute
non-free at all).

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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