On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 06:25:47PM +0000, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-11 15:24]:
> > My concern is that we find a DPL who is *honest* and *enthusiastic*
> > about the future they see for the project and who is prepared to
> > share that vision unabashedly with anyone who will listen.
> > 
> > What I'm seeing (again) from the two mainstream candidates, is that
> > they have their own personal reasons for wanting to be DPL, and that
> > they are prepared to talk up whatever other issues they think will
> > win them support to that end.
> I'd be interested in hearing what you think my personal reasons are
> for running for DPL.

Then next time you are anywhere near Adelaide, give me a call, and
we can talk about it over some beers.  In the meantime, I think the
bandwidth on -vote (which you cc'd) could be better put to use hearing
them from you.

You are the one aiming to be leader@ -- give me a reason why I should
follow your vision instead of simply my own (shaped, of course, daily
by the community I am a part of).

Anyone who understands the distinction I am making here will understand
what I mean by a Do Nothing DPL.

> Furthermore, I'd like to hear why you think that
> I am not honest and enthusiastic, and ideally I'd like to see some
> concrete examples.

<Eliza> Why is it that you think I said *you* were not h&e? </Eliza>
(and I don't expect you to answer that here, but I do hope you'll think
about it)

The only 'example' I can hold you to is your own promises.  It has been
claimed that you were in fact something of a Do Nothing DPL -- my own
personal experience with you has indeed shown that you've been quite low
key compared to what I was led to expect at the last election.  I for
one appreciate that, and I certainly wouldn't label you as having been
'harmful' in the role as you have played it.  As to the general "more
good stuff, less bad stuff" issues, I think its pretty much been
progress as usual without any major leaps in either direction over the
last year.  So ...

If, as both you and Branden assert in your campaigning, things are mostly
ok, but as always, can be improved -- and if the people in a position to
make those improvements are already aware of and working on the issues,
then why is it that we need, or would even want, anything other than a
Do Nothing DPL, that justs gets on with their own part of that, and
keeps everybody smiling for most of the rest of the time?

If we don't need centralised redirection this year, why do we need a
leader who is promising to change things anyway?  And if we do, it will
in all likelyhood be led by the people who are already in a position of
'power' over the particular situation (as we saw when the compromise
caused a major and sudden shakeup of our practices).

Given this situation, if you want my second preference over this year's
do nothing but have fun candidate, perhaps you would like to describe
what changes have occurred to the project over your term in this role
that would not have happened had you not held it, and maybe how that
fits in with your platform and its evolution from last year to next?

If you want my first preference, you're going to need to actually
place some bets about what needs to change and how you think you can
effect that change for the project.

As I said, I think what we need is a leader with a clear vision of what
the project needs from that role over the next year or so.  And it is
a rare and wise leader indeed that knows when not to lead.

Gergely strikes me as either blatantly that wise, or a total raving fool.
In either case, if a Do Nothing DPL is what we need, then he couldn't do
better if he came equipped with a Zaphod skin for his tama.

"King of the Bean" festivals have apparently been a healthy part of
many cultures over the ages.  Perhaps its high time Debian had one.

...instead of burning out otherwise talented people in a typically
token role.

And we can always recall him if he was to do something stupid like, say,
appoint someone to 'help' elmo, then snub elmo in all future
communication.  But then I've never seen Gergely hound elmo off of IRC
either, so that is probably not likely to be a problem in his case.


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