On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 03:13:02AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 02:32:54 -0400, Mike O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
> > It seems to me however that there might be other valid reasons to
> > limit the number of important hats one wears other than what effect it
> > might have on ones performance.  As examples I think that it would be
> > reasonable for people to think that having the same person that is
> > deciding which packages can be allowed into debian also be a person
> > that decides what pepole can become new members might be too much
> > power for one person.  Or if you have one person in charge of the
> > debian policy, in charge of conducting all votes and also serving on
> > the team making technical deicistions it might be too much
> > power. Regardless of the speed at which people in these kinds of
> > positions may or may not be performing their jobs.
>         Now that would be a valid argument, if you could defend it. But
>  that was not was being done;  the sillyness resulted from putting
>  arbitrary numbers and limits; what you are hypothesizing requires thought
>  being put into the proposal, and taking into account the actual people,
>  roles, and powers, and stating why that amalgamation of
>  responsibilities  is something to be avoided.  Proposals about policy
>  are things that require effort and thought; short circuiting the
>  thought process and rushing in with limits just for the sake of limits
>  leads us nowhere.

I saw multiple people suggesting such limits.  I did NOT see anyone
propose a reason for such a limit other than you who seemed to be
concluding that the reason for a limit was the speed at which people
were performing their job.  I was just proposing an alternate reason to
yours.  If the proposers of such limits had stated that they think it
would aid in the speed at which things got done, they eluded me.

>         Now, if you have such s proposal (rather than a hypothetical,
>  and are prepared to defend that proposal in an open discussion, please
>  advance it here.

I don't have such a proposal.  Just though I would offer up an idea.
Are you implying that my hypothetical shouldn't be advanced here? 


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