
I second the options quoted below.  That's the first one for the
pre-lenny GR, and the first one of the post-lenny GR.  (While I agree
that this is important, I don't think we should set procedures in the
SC; if this is to be written down in a foundational document, it must be
the constitution IMO.)


On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 04:23:05PM +0100, Robert Millan wrote:
> Option 1 (reaffirm the Social Contract)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>    1. We affirm that our Priorities are our users and the free software
>       community (Social Contract #4);
>    2. Given that we have known for two previous releases that we have
>       non-free bits in various parts of Debian, and a lot of progress has
>       been made, and we are almost to the point where we can provide a
>       free version of the Debian operating system, we will delay the
>       release of Lenny until such point that the work to free the operating
>       system is complete.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 04:56:12PM +0100, Robert Millan wrote:
> Option 1 (set an upper limit)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The developers resolve that the following rule shall take effect inmediately
> after Lenny is released:
>   When ever a package in Debian is found to have been violating the DFSG for
>   180 days or more, and none of the solutions that have been implemented (if
>   any) is considered suitable by the maintainers, the package must be moved
>   from Debian ("main" suite) to the Non-free repository ("non-free" suite).
>   The action of moving it may be performed by any of the developers (however,
>   moving packages in distributions other than "unstable" or "experimental" may
>   still require approval by the corresponding Release Team).  When this 
> happens,
>   any known DFSG violation in the package must be resolved before the package
>   can be moved back into Debian.

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