On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 01:19:11PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> In general, I understand where Wouter is coming from, and the points that
> Steve made about inspiring people to behave better in public.  However,
> this one paragraph really lept out at me.
> Wouter Verhelst <wou...@debian.org> writes:
> > This Code of Conduct is afraid to scare away potential contributors; so
> > a lot of effort has been put into making this a positive, welcoming Code
> > of Conduct rather than a negative, scary one.
> I think this is a mistake.
> The experiences of other groups have mostly convinced me that the point of
> a Code of Conduct should be to scare away potential contributors who
> cannot or are unwilling to behave according to the standards that we
> expect of our community, and to reassure the people who would be injured
> by violations of those standards that we're serious about declaring those
> people unwelcome in our project.  Not welcoming them and attempting to
> quietly encourage them to become better people (which doesn't work).


Perhaps I should clarify that, personally, I don't see someone who is
prone to aggressive and abusive behaviour as a "potential contributor"
in the above-quoted paragraph, and I don't think the project should,
either. I think that people who have no respect for their peers,
regardless of their technical abilities, should have no place in our

> If you want a diverse and welcoming atmosphere, particularly for people
> who aren't interested in aggressive communication patterns or who are
> historically excluded, you have to not welcome the people who make the
> environment hostile and uncomfortable for the people you want to attract.

This is absolutely true. However, I don't think you can do that through
a code of conduct; people who are abusive and aggressive tend to have
little consideration for other people's words. Instead, you should gear
your *actions* (in this case bans, whether temporary or permanent in
nature; law enforcement if thing get *really* serious) towards making
the environment not welcome for such people. The proposed code tries to
institutionalize and further encourage what is effectively already

Put otherwise, a code of conduct should be geared towards who will read
and heed it, not towards who will blatantly violate it, even in the face
of requests to stop doing so.

> It's not exactly a zero-sum game, but it is a choice.  You can choose to
> attract one type of project participant or the other, but not both at the
> same time.
> I think the Code of Conduct presents an opportunity for us to be clear
> about what type of project participant we're interested in, and what type
> of project participant we're not interested in, and that we shouldn't be
> afraid to be a bit confrontational here.

I think the current text does attempt to be clear about what we're
interested in. Having a list of things that we want to see implies
people can infer what we're not interested in, even if it's not

I don't think being confrontational is very helpful in this kind of

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