On Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 12:15:25PM +0100, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
> Making a system more complicated to try and address a specific
> deficiency rarely reduces its attack surface. In this case, our voting
> system involves multiple levels (quorum, majority, ranking resolution)
> each with its own criteria and threshold and (due to Arrow's Theorem)
> unavoidable flaws, and every feature of this sort increases the
> system's attack surface to both strategic voting and to just plain
> doing the wrong thing given honest votes. Moving FD around in the
> ordering is an example of this, as is a quorum boycott.
> Since voting systems are necessarily vulnerable (Arrow's Theorem!) our
> objective cannot be perfection, but rather good performance under
> realistic conditions.

Instead of "attack surface" of a complicated system I would be more 
worried about the problem that a part of our electorate does not 
understand how to vote in a way that their ballot matches what
they want to express.

When looking at the tally of the latest systemd vote,[1]
there are plenty of votes like

It is obvious what these voters wanted to express,
and that their ballot was wrongly filled due to a
lack of understanding how our voting system works.

> Cheers,
> --Barak.


[1] https://www.debian.org/vote/2019/vote_002_tally.txt

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