
On 07-03-18 23:47, Héctor Orón Martínez wrote:
> Sorry, I would not qualify an extensive design one email wishlist³ and
> some code¹ to publish packages.
> Let's look at this from other angle, there is a working technology,
> can wishlist³ fit there? Which changes are needed?

@ftpmasters, is there more design documentation than the e-mail³ from Joerg?

> I do not want to drive you one way or the other, but if your ultimate
> objective is support bikesheds, why not try if what's already out
> there (OBS) can be made use (fit Debian workflows). Think on
> maintenance costs (as in people/teams workload), think on
> administration costs, think on QA costs, etc.

@ftpmasters, what do you think of this approach? Would (ultimately)
switching to OBS be acceptable, provided that we could make it work for
Debian? Do you believe it may be worth it for the arguments given by Héctor?

> So, are you able now to propose a task list on which you would like to
> focus and work on?

If the ftpmasters agree that this is worth investigating, I guess I can.

Several questions about the OBS service:
- you claimed the DNS entry, but haven't done anything with it yet. Is
  that correct?
- do you have server space to run the service on (I don't)? I guess I
  could request a VM via the GPLHost⁴ if you don't have anything in mind

> [ Consider adjusting CC line if you reply ]

I dropped DSA and Neil for now.


¹ https://ftp-master.debian.org/users/joerg/dak.git/
² http://openbuildservice.org/
³ https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2013/05/msg00131.htmlhttps://wiki.debian.org/MemberBenefits#GPLHost

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