Did you get my email yesterday? 
If not, I understand this being a Holiday weekend and all. 
Anyway, I’ll keep this short and to the point.  

This week, I’ve set up a special training with the inventor 
and creator of a revolutionary new technology that pretty much 
automates the whole marketing process for real estate investors.  
I rarely bring guests in to teach and when I do, they have to 
know their stuff as well as be able to deliver a ton of content. 

This call will be no exception.




This Wednesday is your chance to learn from “Mr. Automation”, 
as he is known in some circles, how took his wholesaling 
business from doing a few deals a month to working day and night  
to doing  10-15  deals a month with a fraction of the work using 
virtual assistants and technology. 

Listen as he reveals-

Exactly how he is buying property right out of the MLS for 
40-50 cents on the dollar every single month and how you can 
do it too. 

Where you can go to hire full time employees for less than the 
cost of a tank of gas per week and a step by step system on how 
to train them to be your very own deal junkies. 

How you can get access to his patent pending system that with 
make hundreds of offers in a matter of mere minutes. 

He is also going to give you access to over 10,000 buyers 
that you will be able to flip your deals to as you get them 
using this system.

And much more…..

[Reserve my seat]  



This training will have limited space so I would suggest you 
register now.

Talk soon,


P.S. I would like send a special Thank You out to all of my 
supporters that are veterans. Without you we would not be able 
to live the lives we do. All of your sacrifices are greatly 

John Sharp
Automated Concepts LLC
14 Jefferson Avenue 
Dallas, TX 75063 


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