
On 03/01/2013 09:51 AM, Joost Yervante Damad wrote:
>    Package name: python-v8
>         Version: 1.0-preview-r446
> Upstream Author: Xiaohai Lu <>
>             URL:
>         License: APL2.0
>     Description: python interface for the v8 javascript engine

I took a quick look. Using the plain distutils based build
script, a build automatically checks out v8 and gpy (via svn).

Both of these are packaged for Debian already. From a manageability and
security standpoint, it's not feasible for python-v8 to "include" v8 (or
gpy), but it should rely on libv8 as provided by Debian.

That, however, doesn't seem feasible because pyv8 interfaces with
v8::internal, a namespace that's not (or not completely) exposed by
libv8 - for good reasons, as its name suggests.

Thus, I'd currently argue that the upstream package isn't up to Debian
standards. I considered, but decided against (trying to) package this
piece of software. However, I'm a) not a DD and b) maybe others find a
way to make libv8 work with python-v8.


Markus Wanner

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