>It seems to me, at this point, that someone should take the work Mike
>did, merge this with gaffa's, and push this on collab-maint, or

I don't have write access to collab-maint, so I'll just publish it
*somewhere* :)

>once that is all merged, then gaffa or anyone can find a mentor to
>upload this, i'm happy to volunteer for that part.  

It sounds awesome that you're interested in sponsoring!

I still have local copy of my package, but it is probably a bit outdated now. I
think it is necessary to statically link libtoxcore to the clients or package
all of the clients and libtoxcore synchronized, so that an update to libtoxcore
doesn't break any of the clients.

I'm willing to do both types for libtoxcore and the clients qtox, utox and
toxic. I'll start packaging Monday, using the shared library approach and if
anybody want to join my efforts, please send me an e-mail :)


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