On Thu, 14 Jan 2016 07:01:52 AM Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki wrote:
> We just want to add MooseFS to official Debian repositories.
> [..]
> For me both packages should be available in Debian repositories,

Except for promoting MooseFS I do not see any benefits from introducing 
MooseFS to Debian but there are numerous cons.

> The only problem is that they didn't change name of
> binaries (which in my personal opinion is kind of stupid - moosefs =
> mfsmaster,mfschunkserver,mfsmount etc, LizardFS should be
> lfsmaster,lfschunkservder,lfsmount etc.).

As far as I'm aware that was deliberate choice in order to allow seamless 
upgrades from MooseFS. I think renaming is planned but it is a low priority 

> They [LizardFS] actively develop their product, but much slower than
> original (my personal opinion, but we check their product regularly).

Well thankfully it is not a race... Since MooseFS do not have public bug 
tracker or VCS I supose you might be in unique position to compare speed of 
development. However independent observer will hardly be able to reach the 
same conclusion.

> This is a fork,
> so they develop this product in different way and of course it also means
> that in some rare cases they product is even better than MooseFS. So I
> absolutely agree that for sure there are some people who will find
> LizardFS better than MooseFS and therefore both projects should be
> available in the package repositories.

I disagree. For Debian there will be undesirable overhead from having two 
similar software products. It would also cause needless confusion for our 
users. When choosing between the two I give preference to LizardFS due to 
greater potential and development transparency. At this time introducing 
MooseFS to Debian is unnecessary but situation may change in the future.

> We know everything about LizardFS. Whole company is run by the guy who was
> fired from our company (he was not a developer, but our it administrator,
> so he knew MooseFS very well). He "stole" two developers from our company
> (they never were involved in moosefs developing, but they also knew this
> product). The whole story is not very nice, but leave it. This is their
> right to make fork of actively developed project. As you wrote - they have
> their own investor and therefore their own goal. I do not care about it.

Thank you for interesting insights about projects history.

Best wishes,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only
be grasped one link at a time.
        -- Winston Churchill

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