Hi Dmitry,

Am 18.07.2016 um 11:54 schrieb Dmitry Smirnov:
> On Monday, 18 July 2016 10:12:08 AM AEST Sascha Girrulat wrote:
> Thanks for quick reply.
>> same as before. I have some holidays soon so there i could finish the
>> package.
> I need it ASAP. Maybe I could give you a hand and finish package for you?
There are only some fixes at the manpage missing.

>>> Is there a public repository with draft packaging?
>> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/sagiru-guest/svn2git.git
> Thanks. That's good, I see it is mostly finished. However it should be team-
> maintained so I recommend to move to into pkg-ruby-extras.
Would be ok for me but i am not a member of the pkg-ruby team.

> How about I review your package, make corrections (if any), move it to pkg-
> ruby-extras and upload it with you as Uploader? Would that work for us?
That would be fine. If i have some time today maybe i could finish the
manpage before.


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