Le jeudi, 8 décembre 2016, 09.34:12 h CET Didier 'OdyX' Raboud a écrit :
> * In CUPS, the PPD makes the manufacturer appear as "(Fuji Xerox)", "Fuji
> Xerox" and "FX", and only as "Fuji Xerox" Model. There should really exist a
> fxlinuxprint.drv as source for that PPD.

The really better solution is:
- (Optionally) a fxlinuxprint.drv exists, and generates …
- one PPD per supported printer, with uniform and coherent Manufacturer names
- dh_pyppd is used to compress these back to a /usr/lib/cups/driver/
fxlinuxprint file that is used by CUPS in an efficient way.


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