On 28/03/2017 21:19, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana wrote:
> Hi,
> ----- Mensagem original -----
>> De: "Stephen Kitt" <sk...@debian.org>
>> This doesn't help understand what the kytos package is and/or contains, at
>> all... (And I work on SDNs, so imagine what it's like for people who aren't
>> familiar with the field).
> Yes, after I sent the ITP, the upstreams improved the description and I will 
> use this new description on the control file.
> Should I fix the ITP? Or it is not necessary?
The description does not necessarily _have_ to be what upstream has
written. It should also include any Debian specific information and
things the Debian community should know about using the software. You
should have a good understanding of the software before you package it,
which means you should be able to write the description without needed
to simply copy-paste what upstream has written.


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