Hi Diane,

Sorry for the delay I'm swamped with work again.

On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 02:57:16PM -0700, Diane Trout wrote:
> I can look at the package tonight, thpugh I probably shouldn't push it since 
> I'm not part of the emacs team.
> Is elpy itself available on mentors too?

If you've already looked at find-file-in-project, would you please add
a "Reviewed by" to #873105?  I suspect that might speed things along.

I have not yet uploaded src:elpy to mentors, but I have completed the
bulk of the packaging.  As far as I can tell what remains are patches
to the autotest process to properly execute the many upstream-provided
tests, plus more rigorous usage tests than I am qualified to test.  It
will be late-September before I will have the time to do any more
Debian work.

If there's no rush I'd like to continue to work on solving the
remaining issues with the packaging.  My hypotheses on why the tests
are 100% failing are 1) that the tests need to be patched to correctly
set the working directory 2) an error somewhere in generating a
dh_python binary package and a dh_elpa binary package from the same
src:package.  3) failure to account for a hypothetical autotest-helper
framework that upstream uses.  My plan for 1 is to write a maintainer
script to automate this work on a patch-branch, and/or to submit the
patch-set upstream.  For 2: find the error and fix it.  3 requires
study.  I plan to test these hypotheses in descending order.

Kind regards,

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