retitle 823425 ITP: chezscheme -- Implementation of the R6RS Scheme language
owner 823425 !

"Barak A. Pearlmutter" <> writes:

> Thanks for the retitle etc. When I got my teeth into it three were
> some subsidiary unpackaged tools used in the chez build and so I went
> down a rabbit hole of packaging them and never emerged.

> That was a while ago so upstream may have simplified the situation in
> the meantime.

Hello Barak,

I'm "stealing" this ITP/RFP (but you may have it back if you so wish).
As a big user of Chez Scheme, I really want to see it packaged in

You may have noticed that I used "chezscheme" in the new title rather
than "chez-scheme". The "chezscheme" designation is used everywhere by
upstream, so I believe it is more appropriate.

The build dependencies are a bit tricky to get right, but I think I have
it handled. I will submit ITPs for them.

My Debian account has emeritus status. I've sent a message to
da-manager@ about it. We'll see how that goes. Would you be willing to
sponsor my uploads until my account is re-activated?


Göran Weinholt <>
73 de SA6CJK

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