Package: wnpp


Sadly enough, I want to put twig in the hands of someone with more time.
It's quite important for the taker to regularly use this package and to
try to follow what happens in the upstream development list.

TWIG is a very good groupware app, which includes agenda, webmail, etc.
The package needs relatively little work, as upstream releases don't
happen often. Relatively, because right now it doesn't use www-config,
and it should, to make the configuration a lot simpler.

It has two open bugs, one very old and difficult to reproduce, and
another one which could be fixed by recent Evolution releases.

TWIG is made by a team of 4/5 core developers, one of them which uses
Debian. They are nice to work with, and very responsive. The twig-devel
mailing list has very little traffic.

If anyone is interested, please mail me directly, or Cc: me, as I'm not
on debian-devel anymore (Mail-Followup-To: should be set).

Jordi Mallach PĂ©rez  --  Debian developer
GnuPG public key information available at

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