11:52 < kilobyte> is there, among 54982456985274 markdown converters we
                  have, a command-line one that 1. has working tables (and
                  preferably other GFM extensions), 2. is not a mere client
                  for GitHub's server-side processing, 3. is sane?
11:52 < kilobyte> because if not, I'll package lowdown -- but it'd be nice
                  to avoid a yet another redundant implementation
11:54 < olasd> python-cmarkgfm is packaged
11:57 < kilobyte> that's a library only, for a language I don't know (why
                  would anyone use python if you have perl? :p)
12:04 < DLange> I use pandoc and that seems to always do what I want, 
12:07 < DLange> that said, I think there are many usecases for a
                non-gigantic (Haskell, Lua, libgmp, ...) thing do convert
12:08 < kilobyte> lowdown also ships a nice tool: markdown aware diff, this
                  might make it worth having
12:09 < DLange> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=896816
12:09 -zwiebelbot:#debian-devel- Debian#896816: ITP: lowdown -- Simple
          markdown translator - https://bugs.debian.org/896816
12:10 < kilobyte> heh, I guess that answers the question
12:12 < kilobyte> although that python-cmarkgfm looks like that all it needs
                  is a simple wrapper that does python's equivalent of
                  「undef $/;$_=<>;print
                  github_flavored_markdown_to_html($_)」 plus whatever
                  options it has
12:14 < DLange> better drop jbernard an email and ask how far he got
12:15 < DLange> such a wrapper would need to go upstream or you'll be in
                command line options vs. library features hell for a long

So, I'm hereby dropping you an email.  You filed the ITP in April, how far
did you get?

Recently, lowdown got a new dependency: libdiff, but as that's a library
whose (trivial) build system is static-only, has the same upstream as
lowdown, and is unlikely to get other users, I think it'd be simpler to
just bundle it instead of packaging separately.  But, your ITP, your ways
of packaging.

⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ What Would Jesus Do, MUD/MMORPG edition:
⣾⠁⢰⠒⠀⣿⡁ • multiplay with an admin char to benefit your mortal [Mt3:16-17]
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ • abuse item cloning bugs [Mt14:17-20, Mt15:34-37]
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ • use glitches to walk on water [Mt14:25-26]

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