Hi there!

I've been doing some work on the smokeping package in the past few
weeks/months with anarcat.


 * a new upstream release was packaged and sent to experimental, and
we're trying to get it into sid very soon.
 * I've written and submitted a patch upstream in response to a bug
report in the BTS to make smokeping work better with newer versions of
FPing (3.16+). It should make it so that the FPing probes doen't mix up
IPv4 and IPv6 anymore with the recent versions of fping. This should
land in a package real soon (it was merged upstream today)

Future work that I intend to do is to get rid of as many lintian errors
as possible, and then start working on the currently present bug reports
in the BTS (from the easiest first).

It is an invaluable learning experience for me since I'm new to debian

Anarcat has marked myself as package maintainer, and I intend to
continue work on the package. However, I'm not closing the door to
collaboration with the Internet Measurement Packaging Team as was
suggested by Iain.

For now, pull requests on the git repository in salsa would be great,
until I can feel more confident about how the package is holding things


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