Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Alastair McKinstry <>

* Package name    : gridtools
  Version         : 1.0.2
  Upstream Author : ETH Zurich
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-3-Clause
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Framework for working on weather and climate grids

The GridTools (GT) framework is a set of libraries and utilities to develop 
performance portable applications in which stencil operations on grids are 
central. The focus of the project is on regular and block-structured grids as 
are commonly found in the weather and climate application field.

GridTools provides optimized backends for GPUs and manycore architectures. 
Stencils can be run efficiently on different architectures without any code 
change needed. Stencils can be built up by small composeable units called 
stages, using GridTools domain-specific language.
GridTools is used within the  COSMO model and is used by the ECMWF software 
already present on Debian.

I intend to package this and maintain within the Debian Science team.

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