fre 2021-09-03 klockan 08:47 +0200 skrev Christoph Biedl:
> Simon Josefsson wrote...
> > I'm considering to adopt this package, as it has been orphaned for
> > around five years in Debian.  I wanted to reach out to some people
> > (cc'd) that appear to have been involved in the discussions around
> > it to
> > make sure I'm not missing anything that should be considered.
> My contribution is completely a thing to the past, and should be
> recorded in the related bug reports: This is an entire suite of
> packages
> which - besides being faily old - all suffered from a missing build
> system so I ported it to cmake for the buster release. That was a
> huge
> amount of work and I'm not really proud of the result. Activities
> included contacting upstream, and he eventually provided a copy of
> the
> configuration tool but I stronly doubt it's worth to revive it.
> Long story short, good ride with this package. In case you want some
> more old stories or additional insight, just ping me. Odds are my
> reaction will be "Oh, you're right, I missed that bit".

Thanks for providing some background -- I was a bit surprised to see a
debian-specific cmake build system!  I think it doesn't make a lot of
sense to do any major changes (at least I'm not planning to) until
there is a reasonable upstream, so I have no plans to touch this part
of the package -- but if any future upstream release builds fine, I
would be inclined to drop as many of our patches as possible.


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