[Bdale Garbee]
> I'm not sure an RFP is really appropriate, since there's an installer
> package in contrib already, but ... as you wish.

It seem like a good place to discuss the state of the packaging, at
least. :)
<URL: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/openrocket >

> Upstream agrees that the JOGL embedded class library for which they
> can't point to source is a bad thing, and there's more or less a
> commitment to work on that eventually... but, in typical Java
> development style, since the current code "works", upstream's sense of
> urgency on this is lower than mine.

How is this different from the libjogl2-java package with home page
<URL: http://jogamp.org >?  The source seem to be available from
<URL: https://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Jogamp_SCM_Repositories >
pointing to <URL: https://github.com/sgothel/ >.

> It's pretty clear that there's a split between those who would just
> love to walk away from the Java code base, and those who feel too
> heavily invested to walk away and, like me, worry about second system
> syndrome effects here.

Oh.  Who knows how that will unfold...

> Anyway.  I'd love to have help completing the rest of the work to make
> my current/new openrocket package policy compliant and thus ready for
> upload to main...  hint, hint!

I am very unskilled in Java packaging, so not sure I can be of much

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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