I started working on a Docker container for this, based on a Debian
container. To simplify the install (e.g. not require rebuilding lxml), I
pre-install a bunch of Debian packages for Python dependencies, but a
*lot* are missing.

The following are present:

    python3-bs4 \
    python3-dateutil \
    python3-dnspython \
    python3-geoip2 \
    python3-ipy \
    python3-lxml \
    python3-maxminddb \
    python3-phonenumbers \
    python3-pip \
    python3-psycopg2 \
    python3-pyasn \
    python3-pygments \
    python3-tz \
    python3-requests \
    python3-selenium \
    python3-setproctitle \
    python3-simplejson \
    python3-telethon \
    python3-virustotal-api \

But the following are not:


The following are available in Debian, but somehow pinned or declared in
a way that makes pip still install them


So if we actually want everything in harpoon to actually work, there is
a *lot* of work to package dependencies here.

You can't get to the moon by climbing successively taller trees.
                        - Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design

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