On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 08:34:47AM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> upstream has
> never responded to me. If you are in contact with the upstream
> author, I would sponsor you.


I noticed you made some commits to the davfs2 cvs tree 7 weeks ago. I'd
like to see debian package for davfs2 but it won't happen without an
active upstream. Have you heard from SungHun Kim recently? The project
looks fairly inactive on sourceforge and monthly downloads noticable
dropped once it became inactive.
Any idea how things are going with this project?

CVS version seems to work for me out of the box on a x86 2.6.7 kernel.


28 70 20 71 2C 65 29 61 9C B1 36 3D D4 69 CE 62 4A 22 8B 0E DC 3E

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