On 29.06.04 Rogério Brito ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Jun 27 2004, Hilmar Preusse wrote:

Hi all,

[cm-super being included in time for Debian's sarge release?]
> > Yes, if there will be a volunteer to take the maintainership.
> > Preliminary packages exist and also on CTAN exist one from Peter
> > Szabo, but I guess Claire won't do it.
> Ok. I didn't know that Claire had decided not to package the
> cm-super fonts. I think that this might be a good time for me to
> learn how to package things for tetex (and to learn about fonts for
> TeX in general).
If you itend to package these fonts, feel free to do so!
Peter Szabo has left on CTAN something like a Debian package (only
the subdir debian/), which is very interesting. He has written two
small programs pfb2t1c.c and t1c2pfb.c. One is called during build
and converts the pfb-files into a compressed format. The
umcompressing is done during install. Readme.Debian states that the
Debian-package is only half the size of the orig.tar.gz. The
conversion itself doesn't save much space, but the converted files
can be compressed much better.
I'm sure he'll give you the permission to use his work (there's no
copyright statement for these small programs). The postinst-script
and debian/rules has to be adapted to the new updmap.

> Yes, the lmodern package helps (and I didn't know it was considered
> to be included in a future version of tetex -- nice to know that),
> but it doesn't have all the fonts that I would like to have
> available (the Concrete Mathematics fonts, for instance).
OK, was just a suggestion. I know there are fonts in cm-super, which
are not in lmodern.

You can't fall off the floor.

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