Hi everybody. I just want to acknowledge that I got way over my head
when I started to organize this. There is just no way that I could
ever be sensitive to all the issues involved.

However having a Gender / Diversity session at DebConf18 is still
important! But I'm just not the right person to lead it. It would be
better if somebody with a better grasp of the issues organizes
this instead of me. Any volunteers? (Rhonda?)

We've already got the time slot (10:00) and two local participants,
fulfilling the local component for an OpenDay event. All that remains
is finding one or two presenters.

With the event in better hands, I could retire to the back of the
audience. (Besides, I have to prepare for the 11:00 Digital Minister
Audrey Tang's Q & A session. You see, noting the Minister is
transgender, I asked the Minister if they would be willing to come
early if I added a 10:00 Gender and Diversity session. They agreed,
but only to be in the audience, not on a panel. Then I asked Imacat,
top Taiwan women in computing expert, who also happens to be
transgender, if they would also be willing to come and say, moderate,
or be on a panel. They also agreed, on the condition that the Minister
was also coming.)

So there you have it. All the heavy local inviting work is already done
for you. All that remains is picking a few speakers, or whatever. I
don't know. I never organized a conference before. That's why this
needs to be in better hands. Thanks.

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