Hi.  This is imacat from Taiwan.  Sorry that I did not know you were
discussing here.  I was overwhelmed by the mails from the upcoming
WikiCon 2018.

    Dan (Jidanni) originally asked me to host a panel about transgender.
 But since I was not in the local transgender rights movement, but in
the local women's movement in FOSS, we agree to change it to a panel
about gender.

    So this will be a panel about gender, not transgender.

    I hosted a panel about gender and diversity in FOSS in one of the
largest FOSS conference in Asia, COSCUP 2017.  You may refer to here:


    For this DebConf18 panel:  I only have a few rough ideas in the
current phase.  The diversity problem is mainly about women, but I would
always like to put more on the table, to make more subgroups and issues
"visible".  I guess it may be a good chance to bring in the transgender
issue this time.

    There is only one speaker confirmed.  She is one of major activists
in the local transgender rights movement.  She is using Ubuntu.  I plan
to invite other organizers of local women communities.  As I said above,
the main topic is still women, but there need to be more than women.

    The subject of the panel is still undecided yet.

    This is the status so far.  Any ideas are welcome.

Miriam Ruiz on 2018/04/05 15:49 said:
> It might be a good starting point to figure out what we might want to
> talk about, in the context of this forum, regarding the extensive area
> of "gender", and what are the goals that we want to pursue. Gender is
> a very extensive concept that has broad effects in all the aspects of
> our lifes: social, personal, identity, expressive, behavioral, etc.
> I suppose that, because of the type of event and due to the context of
> this thread, the idea might probably be to go a bit deeper into the
> guidelines defined in the Diversity Statement, in particular regarding
> the gender axis. That is indeed something that I would think as very
> positive, but that it may be necessary to elaborate the idea a bit
> more, to be able to give it a narrative thread. It might also be, on
> the other hand, that we might want to talk about how to use the
> current existing diversity (and in particular the gender diversity) to
> help improve the developing processes, the teams or the results.
> The analysis of the reasons that might explain why there is still a
> gap between men and women in the development of technology and free
> software is undoubtedly within the scope of gender, and it is usually
> the main focus when we talk about gender in Free Software. In addition
> to this, there is the analysis of stereotypes and reference behaviors
> associated with gender, and explicitly talking about that that would
> allow some debating about new masculinities, new femininities and
> androgyny. It is obvious that the issue of gender identity is also
> over the table, as well as gender expression (clothing, accessories,
> care and external appearance), etc. All this factors have a certain
> importance within the internal and external relationships both between
> working groups and when talking about Debian as a whole.
> Therefore, before starting to prepare a list of questions, it might be
> a good idea to outline a small non-exhaustive list of elements that
> might be used to create some scaffolding and, therefore, can make it
> easier than other people contribute ideas, questions and suggestions.
> Greetings,
> Miry
> 2018-04-05 3:02 GMT+02:00 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson <jida...@jidanni.org>:
>> OK I eliminated all the questions.
>> Please help me write proper questions.

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw>
PGP Key http://www.imacat.idv.tw/me/pgpkey.asc

<<Woman's Voice>> News: http://www.wov.idv.tw/
Tavern IMACAT's http://www.imacat.idv.tw/
Woman in FOSS in Taiwan http://www.wofoss.org/
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EducOO/OOo4Kids Taiwan http://www.educoo.tw/
Greenfoot Taiwan http://greenfoot.westart.tw/

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