CVSROOT:        /cvs/webwml
Module name:    webwml
Changes by:     sombra-guest    18/05/09 19:28:18

Modified files:
        english/devel/hamradio: index.wml 

Log message:
        Initial table of contents for hamradio section, added news links

Modified files:
        bulgarian/Bugs : Reporting.wml 
        croatian/Bugs  : Reporting.wml 
        danish/Bugs    : Reporting.wml 
        dutch/Bugs     : Reporting.wml 
        english/Bugs   : Reporting.wml 
        finnish/Bugs   : Reporting.wml 
        french/Bugs    : Reporting.wml 
        german/Bugs    : Reporting.wml 
        italian/Bugs   : Reporting.wml 
        japanese/Bugs  : Reporting.wml 
        polish/Bugs    : Reporting.wml 
        portuguese/Bugs: Reporting.wml 
        russian/Bugs   : Reporting.wml 
        spanish/Bugs   : Reporting.wml 
        swedish/Bugs   : Reporting.wml 
        ukrainian/Bugs : Reporting.wml 

Log message:
        Change aptitute command into apt-get command (in english and 
        Closes bug #802168

Added files:
        spanish/security/2018: dsa-4193.wml 

Log message:
        Add Spanish translation

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