
info for people reading this through the BTS: there has been some discussion 
about the question "is debian-edu==skolelinux ?" on the debian-edu 
mailinglist, see 

On Friday 20 May 2005 20:33, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> > s/Debian-Edu Project/Debian-Edu\/Skolelinux Project/
> No, actually we want to go under the name of debian-edu in debian
> circles. skolelinux is too norwegian (aka local) and we want to
> be known under the debian name if possible.
> that said, some countries have decided to call debian-edu
> "skolelinux" anyway since they like it better. they are free to
> do that.

Ok, after Cobaco's suggestion I've added the following sentence to 

SkoleLinux is the name of a CustomDebianDistribution which is produced by the 
debian-edu project. (Skole is norwegian and means "school".)

I would be happy if somebody could also provide a link to download skolelinux 

> > And, after all (& afaik), the projects name just isn't "Debian-Edu"
> > anymore.
> actually it is the other way around: it should be more debian-edu
> and less skolelinux, internationally.

Ok, but I still think the word "Skolelinux" should be mentioned on 
http://www.debian.org/devel/ - what do you think of 

s/Debian-Edu Project/Debian-Edu Project, producing Skolelinux, a CDD for 


And I would also suggest to mention this (debian-edu is the project, 
skolelinux a cdd produced by it) clearly on the skolelinux media and 
installation process. (I don't know the situation so if it's allready there, 


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