On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 01:34:39PM +1000, Craig Small wrote:
> zhaoway wrote:
> > Hi all
> > 
> > i'm a native chinese speaker.
> > i'm planning to translate social contract of debian project
> > into chinese, simplified, charset gb2312 =]
> > 
> > if someone are/will be working on this, please make me know

Actually, someone called "Chao Wangpin" (or Zhao Wangping?) has already
translated the Open Source Definition, available on the CLDP (Chinese Linux
Documentation Project) in Taiwan.  A mirror is kept at
Don't worry, they have both Big5 and GB versions, so you can read them too.

I have kind of started cut-and-paste and slightly modifying the OSD
and put some of them into place.  I can send you both the Big5 and GB version
so you can work on one of them.  :-)  (Oh, as you probably know, OSD
is essentially the same as DFSG, with references to Debian removed.)
Also, I do not entirely agree with "

After you are done, could you send your result to me?  By the way, 
I would have to use Big5 (for now) as the master document, because
we will ultimately generate both GB and Big5 versions from the same
.wml files, and as you know, Big5->GB is easy, but GB->Big5 is
not as good.  (many-to-one relationships).  I will take your document
and convert it to Big5, and then do some hand-tweaking to fix the
correct "fantizi" equivalent.  :-)

BTW, index.wml and devel/people.wml have also been translated.
Well, kind of half-done, anyway.  Also, most of the terms in
webwml/english/template/debian have also been translated.  Sorry,
they are in Big5 code.  If you need to work on them, I suggest that you
use hztty.  (I wonder if there is an easier way.  :-)

BTW, do you have any Big5 X font on your computer?  I hope so, because
I haven't quite started modifying the Makefile etc. to generate
both filename.zh-cn.html and filename.zh-tw.html yet.

> > i also have interests in working on translation into chinese
> > for most of those other debian web articles.
> G'day Zhaoway,
>   If you would like to join the Chinese translation effort then have
> a read of http://www.debian.org/devel/HOWTO_translate which is
> instructions about that.  The contact for Chinese translation is
> Anthony Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> so you probably want to 
> talk to him too.

As a sidenote, Anthony Wong's may also be reached at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I believe.  I wonder which address he prefers though.  :-)

> There is also a chinese email list, you can find info about that at
> http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/subscribe

Is there?  Hey, that's awesome!  I was just thinking about that actually,
and I didn't know that one was already created.  Well, time to join!  :-)

Oh, BTW, could someone give us CVS write access?  Probably the arrangement
like the one with the Japanese translation team (One "chinese" account for
all Chinese translators) would be fine.  :-)  Another thing, does a translator
need to be an official Debian maintainer before he/she could have CVS write
access?  Technically, I guess not, but I was just wondering if there were any
such policies.  :-)

Also, could someone edit /etc/apache/srm.conf on va?  Please add the

AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
AddLanguage zh .zh              # Is this line needed?

And add them to the language priority line too, thanks.  :-)
Yes, it is zh-CN, not zh-CH!  Please fix it.  :-)

Thanks for your help.


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