Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The index page for DDP documents needs to be implemented with a bit of WML
> magic, with .wml and .wmh files. From what I managed to observe in the last
> half an hour or so, all we need is some modification of
> webwml/english/template/debian/install_manual.wml to something less specific
> to install manuals etc, and better adjusted for this purpose, and a few
> lines of WML code to invoke the functions which generate the page.
> Any comments or even better concrete help would be highly appreciated :)

I suggest rather a set of metadata files; these files can be the basis
for a little sort of metadata database, so we could say:

  <make-doc-index state="released">

to get an nice HTML index of the released documents, or

  <make-doc-index state="in-progress">

to see rough documents which aren't ready yet.

The metadata files would include a title, author, relative URL,
release state, package if any it appears in.  Um... maybe other data


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