On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 16:03:41 +0100
Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 30, 2001 at 03:32:10PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> Oh and, obviously, the "quick browse" thing at the top is missing, so the
> page is too newbie-oriented. Maybe we should replace the red navbar with
> something better.
it's there by now, it seems... I completly agree with replacing the red
navbar but with what? I don't think drop-down menus will make people

I like the page, it is just like /devel now... but I missed
the left menu, I hope it will be there, right?


    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
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