On Sáb 28 Sep 2002 01:07, Joey Hess wrote:
> Jan-Oliver Wagner wrote:
> > why not decribed technical differences in 1 or 2 sentences?
> > If there are none I don't understand why there are still two of them.
> The only reasons bug still exists are:
> 1. More minimal requirements as it does not need python and is
>    porportedly faster. Less and less of an issue every day as more and
>    more people have python installed anyway and cpu speeds increase (I
>    use reportbug on my 486 anyway).
> 2. Inertia.
> 3. Because its (MIA[1]) maintainer will not see the light that having two
> bug reporting tools is more confusing than it could possibly be worth. 4.
> Because we cannot seem to work together as a project to make
>    reasonable decisions for our users on points which really Don't Matter.
>    Sigh.
> None of these are reasons to confuse neophyte bug reporters who are
> looking for some comprehensible instructions for filing a bug report on
> the web site. Except 4 anyway. By contrast, by encoraging all of our
> users to use reportbug, we can get more, better bug reports by:
> 1. Not confusing or offputting them; loweing their time outlay.
> 2. Making sure they use an appropriate severity, something reportbug is
>    rather more advanced in.
> 3. Helping them find existing packages before filing their bug report.
> 4. Helping the user set useful tags.
> 5. Dumping debconf information, other data gathering.

        Then I strongly vote for preferring reportbug over bug in the bug 
page. If Nicolás is MIA, is not our issue. reportbug is far more friendly and 
full of features. Period.

> See bug #56804 for a laugh.


 Why is a cow? Mu. (Ommmmmmmmmm)
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